Map for student drop off and pick up

PK4 and Kindergarten dropoff and pickup happens in the back of the school. Please pass the front of the school and enter the circle drive. Hug the right curb so that PK3 families can pass. PK3 dropoff and pickup is located on the opposite side of the school. Please carefully use the left lane to pass/go around the PK4 and Kinder line.

Remember that the Speed Limit is 5 miles per hour, and you can help make dropoff go faster by having your child ready. Thank you for helping to make the mornings and afternoons as smooth and safe as possible!

  • Uphaus students students should wear their ID badges to school every day. The first badge is free, and replacements are $5.
  • Please place your car sign on your windshield for parent pick up. Our dismissal process goes much faster when all signs are visible.
  • PK4 & Kinder families - Please allow PK3 families to go around the outer lane to drop off their scholars on the far right side of the building. Reminder: The outer lane is for PK3 and the inner lane is for PK4 and Kinder.
  • Parents - Please ensure that your child is in the back passenger side and ready for an Uphaus staff member to help them to get out of your car. Your assistance allows us to keep the traffic flowing quickly.

Traffic flow map showing PK4 and Kinder drop off in the back and PK3 dropoff on the far side of the building.

Help make dropoff faster with seat belt off, badge and backpack on!Uphaus students should wear their badge to school everyday

Being late just a few minutes every day adds up!

Traffic Flow Map

Help Make Drop-off Faster by Being Ready

Wear Your Badge Every Day

But we're Only ... Late!