Please use the red button/link below to report an absence:
Utilice el botón/enlace rojo a continuación para informar una ausencia:
AISD Report an Absence/ Informar una ausencia
Parents: Making sure your student is in school and on time every day is the law. For more information visit the district's attendance page.
State law (Texas Education Code Section 25.085) requires that all students aged 6 through 19 to attend school. Compulsory attendance also applies to students who are younger than six who have been voluntarily enrolled in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten. FEA: Compulsory Attendance policy
La ley estatal (Código de Educación de Texas, Sección 25.085) exige que todos los estudiantes de 6 a 19 años asistan a la escuela. La asistencia obligatoria también se aplica a los estudiantes menores de seis años que hayan sido matriculados voluntariamente en preescolar o kindergarten.